
[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML-Writer Module] / Writer :: Buffer

class LibXML::Writer::Buffer

In-memory buffer construction


use LibXML::Writer::Buffer; # String or buffer output
my LibXML::Writer::Buffer:D $writer .= new;

$writer.writeAttribute('id', 'abc123');
$writer.writeText('Hello world!');
say $writer.Str;  # <Test id="abc123">Hello world!</Test>
say $writer.Blob; # Buf[uint8]:0x<3C 54 65 ...>

# XML::Writer compatibility
say LibXML::Writer::Buffer.serialize: 'elem' => ['text'];
# <elem>text</elem>


This class writes to an in-memory buffer. The final XML document can then be rendered using the Str or Blob methods.

A class-level `serialize method is also provided for compatibility with XML::Writer.