[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML Module] / Attr :: Map
class LibXML::Attr::Map
LibXML Mapped Attributes
use LibXML::Attr::Map;
use LibXML::Document;
use LibXML::Element;
my LibXML::Document $doc .= parse('<foo att1="AAA" att2="BBB"/>');
my LibXML::Element $node = $doc.root;
my LibXML::Attr::Map $atts = $node.attributes;
# -- Associative Interface --
say $atts.keys.sort; # att1 att2
say $atts<att1>.Str ; # AAA
say $atts<att1>.gist; # att1="AAA"
$atts<att3> = "CCC";
say $node.Str; # <foo att1="AAA" att3="CCC"/>
# -- DOM Interface --
$atts.setNamedItem('style', 'font-weight: bold');
my LibXML::Attr $style = $atts.getNamedItem('style');
This class is roughly equivalent to the W3C DOM NamedNodeMap (and the Perl XML::LibXML::NamedNodeMap class). This implementation currently limits their use to manipulation of an element’s attributes.
It presents a tied hash-like mapping of attributes to attribute names.
Updating Attributes
Attributes can be created, updated or deleted associatively:
my LibXML::Attr::Map $atts = $node.attributes;
$atts<style> = 'fontweight: bold';
my LibXML::Attr $style = $atts<style>;
$atts<style>:delete; # remove the style
There are also some DOM (NamedNodeMap) compatible methods:
my LibXML::Attr $style .= new: :name<style>, :value('fontweight: bold');
$style = $atts.getNamedItem('style');
keys, pairs, kv, elems, values, list, AT-KEY, ASSIGN-KEY, DELETE-KEY
Similar to the equivalent Raku Hash methods.
method setNamedItem
method setNamedItem(
LibXML::Attr:D $att
) returns LibXML::Attr
Adds or replaces node with the same name as $att
method getNamedItem
method getNamedItem(
Str:D $name where { ... }
) returns LibXML::Attr
Gets an attribute by name
method removeNamedItem
method removeNamedItem(
Str:D $name where { ... }
) returns LibXML::Attr
Remove the item with the name $name
method setNamedItemNS
method setNamedItemNS(
Str $uri,
LibXML::Attr:D $att
) returns Mu
Assigns $att name space to $uri. Adds or replaces an attribute with the same as $att
method getNamedItemNS
method getNamedItemNS(
Str $uri,
Str:D $name where { ... }
) returns LibXML::Attr
Lookup attribute by namespace and name
is similar to $map{$uri}{$name}
method removeNamedItemNS
method removeNamedItemNS(
Str $uri,
Str:D $name where { ... }
) returns LibXML::Attr
Lookup and remove attribute by namespace and name
is similar to $map{$uri}{$name}:delete
2001-2007, AxKit.com Ltd.
2002-2006, Christian Glahn.
2006-2009, Petr Pajas.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0.