[Raku LibXML Project] / [LibXML Module] / CDATA
class LibXML::CDATA
LibXML CDATA Section nodes
use LibXML::CDATA;
# Only methods specific to CDATA nodes are listed here,
# see the LibXML::Node documentation for other methods
my LibXML::CDATA $cdata .= new( :$content );
$cdata.data ~~ s/xxx/yyy/; # Stringy Interface - see LibXML::Text
This class provides all functions of LibXML::Text, but for CDATA nodes.
The class inherits from LibXML::Node. The documentation for Inherited methods is not listed here.
Many functions listed here are extensively documented in the DOM Level 3 specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/). Please refer to the specification for extensive documentation.
method new
method new( Str :$content ) returns LibXML::CDATA
The constructor is the only provided function for this package. It is required, because libxml2 treats the different text node types slightly differently.
2001-2007, AxKit.com Ltd.
2002-2006, Christian Glahn.
2006-2009, Petr Pajas.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0 http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0.